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Harmonic Transducer for Synergy blades - Blue

  • Hand Piece compatible with SNGCB, SNGHK, SNGHK2, HAR9F, HAR17F.


    The HARMONIC ® Blue Hand Piece, when used in conjunction with the HARMONIC® Instruments, is indicated for soft tissue incisions when bleeding control and minimal thermal injury are desired. The instruments can be used as an adjunct to or substitute for electrosurgery, lasers, and steel scalpels.



    • The instruments are not indicated for incising bone.
    • The instruments are not intended for contraceptive tubal occlusion


    The HARMONIC ® Blue Hand Piece is designed to convert electrical energy from a compatible Ethicon Generator to mechanical motion for the instrument blades. The Hand Piece is intended for use with a compatible Ethicon Generator.


    The Hand Piece is permanently attached to a blue cord which connects to the front of the Generator.


    The Hand Piece is a re-useable instrument with a limited service life. The Hand Piece is programmed with a counter to limit the service life to 100 procedures. The Generator will give a Hand Piece error after 100 procedures are completed. The number of activations during a procedure is not limited, and the counter will not log a procedure until the Handhandpiece Piece is unplugged from the Generator or the Generator is powered down. The number of remaining procedures is indicated on the display of the Generator in the Systems Settings screen. The Hand Piece is compatible with Generator software 2018-1 or later.

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